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Meet your instructor: Megan Egnatchik

Hometown: Good Old Thousand Oaks

Tell us about your family: My husband Stephen and I have been married 5 years and have two amazing children with a third on the way. Rosie is 4, Declan is 2 and our third is due in August.

Previous Career: I was a preschool teacher.

What was your childhood ambition?: I was fascinated with the show the x-files and really wanted to be an FBI agent. Mostly I wanted to be a Mom and have a family of my own. I feel so lucky to get to experience motherhood!

Which pregnancy was the hardest? Why?: This current one. The first trimester with each of my pregnancies knocked me off my feet but I was dealing with more back/hip pain this pregnancy. Feeling good currently so just trying to enjoy this part of pregnancy.

Favorite thing about being pregnant?: The kicks! Feeling baby move around is magical.

Weirdest Pregnancy Craving?: The only strange craving I have is for cold foods. Like frozen fruits, frozen yogurt, cold drinks or smoothies.

What’s your favorite exercise?: I love squats!

What's your proudest moment?: The moment I held my babies for the first time.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.......

I have a junior black belt in Taekwondo and I love to box.